A No Experience Necessary Shabbat Experience from the Astoria Center of Israel

Shabbat morning is the best time for Jews to come together, and the WORST time to feel out of place in synagogue.

Join the Astoria Center of Israel (ACI) once a month for a no-experience-necessary Shabbat service, where we will explore the:

-Structure of a prayer experience
-Meaning behind key Jewish prayers
-How to sing when you don’t know Hebrew

Don’t know Hebrew? No problem!

Skeptical about religion? We’d love to have you!

Haven’t gone to synagogue since your Bar Mitzvah? You’re perfect!

Join us from 10:30 am until noon on March 16, April 13, May 11, and June 22. If you have any questions, contact Rabbi Josh at [email protected].

Astoria Center of Israel is a not for profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

Your donation may be tax deductible.

EIN: 11-1718008

Social Media
Office Hours

Mon-Thurs. 10:00 – 1:00 PM
Hours vary. Please call the office to check for daily hours & to make an appointment.

Hebrew School

Every Tuesday
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Dismissal

Weekly Services

10:00 AM – Noon

Tot Shabbat
Saturday 11:00 AM – Noon

Junior Congregation
First Saturday Each Month